Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Mornings lately.

The jingle of my alarm stirs me awake and I force my eyes open. It's 6:30 in the morning and still dark. Rain rushes steadily down outside, a heavy downpour to usher in the daylight. The bedroom window is cracked just enough for cold to crawl in and make the sheets and blanket feel especially luxurious. I decide to wait for the second alarm and snuggle my head deeper into my pillow. Jesse stirs to ask groggily what time it is, surrendering back into slumber as soon as he hears, "Six-thir-" As I am closing my eyes, I feel light pressure, first at the foot of the bed and then all along my right side; paws navigating the folds in the blanket. The pressure settles into a ball by my shoulder and I reach my arm over to give it a scratch on the head. My fingers discover soft, short curls. I rest my hand on the soft bulge of Sophie's curled up flank and snuggle into her. She sticks her snout in my face and hovers her nose in front of mine to take in my morning scent. I feel a soft lick on my nose and fade back into sleep.

I'm joining up with the #lifecapturedproject

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